Saturday, August 06, 2005

Wine, sweet wine!

This evening we went to a wedding dinner for people I don't even know. They are the daughter and son-in-law, who live either in Ireland or London (my husband and I disagree on this issue) and who got married in October 2004 (one week after we did actually), of my mother-in-law's ex-sister-in-law. My mother-in-law's brother was the husband of the bride's mother (he has since passed away). Whew, that was confusing and exhausting just typing it!

So, we went to this dinner party at a resturant that I have never been to andI had mixed feelings. I like to party, to eat out, to try new places to eat, to dance, to be socialable, and to mingle. But truth be told, I am kind of shy. So, while I can eventually warm up, it helps to have someone encouraging me, or something encouraging me (good, reliable wine). See, my husband is less sociable than I, and RARELY (I cannot stess this "rarely" enough) drinks. He will not be the one encouraging me. Hence, he is no help in these situations. So, get a couple glasses of wine in me, and I feel less self-conscious. Which is exactly what happened tonight.

My only complaint is that my husband can tell when I have been drinking, and this is well before I am wasted, which I seriously try not to be, and most of the time I am successful. It has been years, thankfully. Nonetheless, he does not approve and feels drinking is unnecessary and a waste of calories. He talks of exercise, and how drinking will stand in the way of my work-out the next day. If it's not exercise, then it is some other issue and his disapproval is clear. Let's just say the man is a work-out addict, and I am far from it. Truth be told, one more glass of wine will NOT keep me from exercising. I can do that all on my own, I do not need alcohol for that. I need alcohol to help me do things I WANT to, and exercise is not one of them.

So, I drink and he doesn't, and soemtimes that is boring. Therefore, sometimes, I must amuse myself. And I turn to my girlfriends, some of whom are really reliable in this area. Oh well, we all have issues in our relationships we must work on, right? Maybe some day we will meet more in the middle.


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