Sunday, May 27, 2007


Last night I spent the evening with my sister. The evening was a typical Saturday evening for us. We got together - myself, my son, my step-dad, my husband and my sister. We had pizza at her house and helped her do some organizing. Eventually, everyone left but myself, I was to stay and help her. We first finished watching a movie we had started, on her new BIG screen t.v., which she totally surprised us with, I had no idea. She had the t.v. since Wednesday night, and this is my sister who CANNOT keep a secret from me. Wow, I really was surprised! It is really nice too. So, we finished watching the movie, Happy Feet (not at all what I expected). Then we organized a little, talked a lot, and I did sudoko. Well, she convinced me to stay the night and have a sleep-over. (My hesitation was due to me knowing I would miss my son if I was away from him overnight). We stayed up way too late, and talked and laughed. We laughed the way we used to, over the silliest things, so hard that we cried. It felt really good. That sort of laughter that my sister and I share reminds me of my mother. She used to witness us laughing like that, and she would say how happy she is that we are so close. She never had a sister, so she was also envious, but she was not jealous. While we knew she was envious, we also knew it made her happy. She would laugh too, even though she did not get the joke, not like we did. She laughed out of her own happiness, for the closeness my sister and I shared. While this makes me think of my mother, and I am aware of how I miss her, as always, I am really glad for last night with my sister, it was long over-due, and I had forgotten how good it felt. Thanks Sis.


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Smart Socratics said...

You are most welcome! Our time together was very special to me too. Thank you so very much for spending the evening with me.


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