Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Three posts in three days!

I am trying to get in the habit of blogging more frequently. The problem is, I don't always know what to write. But today, instead of using that as my reason to not blog, I will blog anyway and sort of free-associate. So, bear with me.

We had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Yesterday, especially, was nice. The weather here in Michigan was rainy all weekend. But yesterday was picture-perfect. It was in the high 70's and sunny. We went to the club that my in-laws belong to and had an out-door lunch and spent some time in the pool with my little guy. He loved it! The pool was heated, and it was really nice. So, my husband and myself took turns holding our son Zack, and entertaining him. He really liked it (except when he was splashed by the bigger kids). It was so nice. We went on a cruise a couple of months ago and he did not go in the pools then, the water was salt water and it was way too cold. So, this was very nice. I love to see him so happy.

Last night I was feeling motivated. I worked on the journal I keep for my son, and had gotten very far behind on. I even got on the treadmill (once I discovered how much fat the two all-beef kosher hot-dogs I ate for dinner had - no bun. I was amazed!) So I got on the treadmill for the first time in months, it was not as hard as I had thought. (I guess lugging around my 30 lb. son and stooping and bending while holding him has helped). So, I felt good about my exercise, and vowed to be motivated to get things done today, like paperwork, exercise, and house-work, which I am always behind on. I do feel better about things and actually feel less anxious when I do these things I am behind on. But, today is another day and I do not feel motivated. I feel tired and have a slight headache. So, I don't anticipate being especially productive today. I think I will play with my son and maybe take him for a walk later. I chose to see that as productive in a different way.

So, not the most exciting post, but a post none-the-less! I will write more soon!


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