Thursday, May 31, 2007

He's got personality!

My son cracks me up! He has so much personality! He is so funny! Yesterday we went to the supermarket. My son decided he did not want to sit in the cart, so my husband carried him throughout the store (no easy task, mind you, he is 30 lbs!) I was walking doing the shopping and they were walking along behind me, looking at various items. We got to the baby food isle and I was examining certain things I was interested in. They must have been standing behind me because all of a sudden I feel someone tugging and batting at my hair, and hear my son giggle. He does this a few times, each time his giggling is escalating. He is trying to get me to turn around! How smart is he! 14-months old and he engages in this teasing sort of play, and completely gets it! He never ceases to amaze me! See, this is the stuff that I hold dear to my heart, and when I feel bad for all the losses in my life, I think of my son (and husband, sister, etc) and everything is in balance again.


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