Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Pleasurable Party

We had our party last night at our house. Boy, the weather during the day was really questionable. It rained SO hard and was muggy and cloudy. The forecast said it would clear up but it was stressing me. I just had visions of sitting outside, not inside, and being inside would have changed everything! Lucky for us, the weather did co-operate and it turned out to be a beautiful night.

The other stressor I had was my concern that no-one would show up, or only a very few people. I even had a dream the night prior that the only people who came were my two siblings and my parents and my one friend Rebecca. We were waiting on everyone else, and waiting and waiting. I was so disappointed and deflated.

Well, much more people than that came, but still fewer came than I expected. My parents came and stayed for a few hours, and a handful of my friends came and hung out a while too. All in all it was nice, and even though it didn't go late, it was still about 4 hours long. (God I feel old. I remember the days of major partying.) My husband said I was being overly persistent with feeding our guests alcohol, I guess it was my way to get them to stay.

Anyway, we of course had way too much food and drink, but it's okay. I always prefer to have too much than too little. I would feel like a terrible hostess if a guest wanted something and I ran out of it. Things went well, I was pleased, and I had fun, even though I wasn't drinking. (Who knew?) :o)

So, now I am being the bad wife and I am home while my husband is playing in his championship hockey game for this season. I had intended on going but I feel so tired and run down today. I also intended to get some paperwork done for work, but instead here I am, blogging. He is sweet, he understands and wants me to get some paperwork done. Thanks honey, you score a goal for me!

On an unrelated note, I have my first doctor's appointment on Thursday. I am excited, and I am certain it will make my pregnancy seem even more real. I am also nervous though, not knowing what to expect, and not wanting to see how much weight I have already gained. (I feel bloated, or fat, all the time now. I eat a lot too. In my 8th week and counting!) But I will be glad to hear how things are going.

Anyway, I should be a wife of my word, and do my paperwork!


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Smart Socratics said...

Hi ya, I'm glad you enjoyed your party. I had fun too! I changed the address for my blog. Its
Just so you know.

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

You sound like a great hostess. I am glad the weather cooperated for your party.


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