Sunday, October 09, 2005

A Perfect Fall Day

What a beautiful fall day today. The sun was bright, and air crisp, and comfortable. The leaves a beautiful palate of colors and the sky very blue. We had a nice day, just my husband and I. We needed it. We have been surrounded by people lately, family, etc. (Oh, and by a lot of sports on t.v. My husband likes just about anything)! Not that we are complaining, but sometimes a couple needs some time alone. So, we got up and went to our favorite little place for breakfast, then we came home and did some light weeding and planted a lot of bulbs, flowers we hope will bloom in the spring, just as our little baby is born. (My husband says spring will really be about birth for us, with the flowers and our new baby). Then we went to the cider mill. It was a really nice day, and lots of other people shared our idea. Boy, it was crowded. That's okay, while we waited in line we shared some cinnamon roasted almonds that my husband bought from the vendor there, yummy. And the fresh donuts and cider (just a sip for me) were really tasty. We ate them by the creek there. I really cherish days like these, I know that winter will be here before we know it, bringing along the cold. Our baby will be here too, and while I know our family will be enriched, I do cherish our time to do just as we please. There is something to be said for not having to account for anyone but ourselves. (But truth be told, I can't wait to be one of those families who takes the kids out to the cider mill or to breakfast). Anyway, happy Fall everyone!


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