Great News!
Okay, you may not know this, but my son has been in physical therapy for the past two months, he is behind developmentally, in regards to physical milestones. He hadn't started crawling yet, had showed no interest in walking, wasn't pulling up, was barely rolling over. Since then he has made huge progress with rolling over, with extending outside of his comfort zone and out of his favorite, most comfortable position of sitting on his bottom with his legs spread out in front of him, his tush seemingly planted to the floor. It has been pretty amazing to watch him develop, and to learn about all the steps that are involved in getting to something like crawling. So, while we have been very pleased with his progress, we have still be awaiting his crawling. With one week of therapy left, thanks to our health insurance, we have been told he is SO close to crawling, and should do it any time. I believe this, but the thing is, "any time" can be a week, or it can be seven. I know it will happen, but of course, I hope it is sooner rather than later. And, we have seen him get into position, but he always kept one leg bent to the side, and wouldn't push past it. So, we wait and try to encourage him. But tonight, HE DID IT! We were at my friend's son's birthday party, and he was getting cranky, he had hardly had a nap today. So, I took him into her den (a nice, large, open, carpeted room) to get away from all the noise and commotion outside. He was sitting on his tush on the floor and saw an orange ball he wanted (he LOVES balls). He saw the ball, went from a sitting position to his hands and knees, but then, instead of giving up after a little bit, he moved! He went for it! He crawled at least 6 feet, if not closer to 10 feet, to get this ball! Then, when he got to it, he sat back down on his tush! I was so happy and SO proud! Everyone in the room clapped. My baby is growing up! I was so impressed, I had nothing to do with it. He did it all on his own. All the times I put him in position and tried to get him to crawl, tonight, he did it all on his own, and then sat back down! I am SO happy and so relieved. I got tears in my eyes. My girlfriend saw this and said "Are you crying?" I said "I am". She said to the other people in the room that I am one of those moms who love their kids with all of their being. Guilty as charged!
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