Sunday, July 01, 2007

World's Meanest Mom

I feel like the world's meanest mom. As I mentioned in my previous posting, we went to a birthday party this afternoon for my friend's little boy. As soon as we got there, my son noticed the balloons and wanted one. So, he got a red balloon and kept it with him the whole time of the party. He even held the balloon in the car, while he slept, on the way home. So, once home, he held that balloon, and even took it into his bedroom at bedtime. However, once I put him in his crib, he got VERY upset with me when I tried to take it away. He was so mad, and he cried and cried. So, what did I do? I gave it back to him, of course, because we all know that is the right thing to do! But I kept thinking of how dangerous it is for him to have this balloon with the long string with him in bed. I kept picturing him rolling over and strangling himself with it. So, I went back in and took it away from him, AGAIN! He got upset then too, but not as much. I think it is very sweet how much he LOVES his balloons, but it is really hard when we have to take them away, it is like breaking his heart each time. I can't help but wonder if it is worth it for him to have a balloon at all? My husband says no. Me, I say yes. I feel if he gets that upset, he must love it as intensely. He gets more minutes of loving it and therefore of pleasure, than he does sadness and anger. I will always think that some sadness and anger is a small price to pay for pleasure and happiness. But to my son, I say, Sorry baby, for upsetting you.


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