Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Things are looking better around here! First, my son, who is 15 months old, is finally crawling! Is he ever, he is all over the place, just as it should be! He had been behind, due to what was labeled being "a late bloomer" (which works for me, over the alternative - other, more severe diagnoses). He started crawling on July 1st and hasn't stopped ever since. This kid is busy! I love it!

Also, I had my D & C yesterday. It all went well, and the doctor found a polyp, as she suspected she would. My blood pressure has been normal - slightly high only. So, while I continue to work to control it, I feel much less worried about it, and about the surgery. We have to wait one cycle and then we can start to try to get pregnant again.

My sister, who moved here last weekend from Lansing, has two houses, and has been paying two mortgages for some time now. She just got an offer on her house that she can live with, and pending the inspection, she sold her house. This is a big relief to her and makes her feel happy. I am happy for her. Plus I love having her here full-time. Once she gets her new house all set up, my son will be spending a lot of time there with her, I really want them to be close. Plus, a sleep-over for them will be fun, and it will be fun for Mom and Dad, too, when our boy sleeps at his Aunt's house! ;O)

So, even though things could be better, they could really be worse. I love lemonade!


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